Tommy James Dant II
Owner, James Dant - A Store for Men

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Whats your story?
Born on the same day as his dad. 
Store his named after him (his middle name). 
Located in Irvington. 
Opened in 2014 (started the business in 2013).  
Men's home goods and decor but mostly a 'store for men.' (clothing) 

Hardest business decision? 
Deciding to move into the second space on the west side of the store.  

Do you find yourself keeping items from your inventory for your personal wardrobe?
Iris - Netflix Documentary  

Life Background
Triton Central High School
Worked construction with his family during the free time to save money.  
Ball State University for 4 years.  
- Entrepreneurship Degree  (pass or fail course at that time). 
- Minor in Fashion
Opened the store 8 months after graduating College.  

When did you know the store was going to become a reality? 
During his "Winter Warmup" in business school he started winning awards presenting his business idea (James Dant).  After being invited to other competitions with his pitch he realized this could be a real thing and built the confidence. 

Worked 355 of the 365 days the first year the store was opened!

Toughest obstacle to overcome? 
Educating consumers on the products in the store.  The products are sold at a premium.  
It would have been easier to open the store in California where people understand the products and why they are priced so high.  

Are guys intimidated to come in and shop? 
Yes.  Something they are working on to teach customers that they should be comfortable coming in.  Come in, take off your coat, and relax. 

Hierarchy of the business. 
1) Tommy
2) Store manager/second key. 
3) One seasonal employee. 
4) 1-2 part timers. 

Standard Memorandums:
1 Second Everyday:

Selvaged Denim:

Tasting session: REBEL YELL 10 Year -
Rebel Yell 10 Year -  Served Neat
Rebel Yell 10 Year - Served with 3-4 Drops of Water
Rebel Yell 10 Year - Served with Ice. 

Leave us a review -

Gary Vaynerchuk:
Joshua Tree:
G-Mail Boomerang:
Five Minute Journal:

Tommy referenced Tim Cook a few times.  He meant Tim Ferris in regards to a few books and podcasts he referenced.