Mayor to Proclaim July 19th as Drink Culture Day in Indianapolis

Mayor to Proclaim July 19th as Drink Culture Day in Indianapolis

The Official Podcast of Indianapolis to Have Official Day in Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 19, 2019 – During Drink Culture’s two-year anniversary party, held at Upland Brewing Co.’s soon-to-open Fountain Square location, the Podcast will announce that Mayor Joe Hogsett has proclaimed July 19th to be Drink Culture Day in Indianapolis. Drink Culture Day is about celebrating the incredible people who are evolving our community towards something bigger each day. In an effort to promote community in Indianapolis, Drink Culture will be celebrating all week long with giveaways and initiatives to encourage people to explore their city.

The Drink Culture Podcast has been a voice for culture in Indianapolis throughout the past two years with over 115 episodes highlighting entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and area personalities who are shaping the culture of the city. 

“Drink Culture Day is a celebration of community,” according to Drink Culture Co-Founder and Co-Host, Fabian Rodriguez. “A call to action for people to drink deep of the culture that surrounds them and get engaged with our great city. Support a local business, volunteer, or hop on the Cultural Trail, just do something!” 

Drink Culture Day may be celebrated on July 19th, but Drink Culture Day is every day. It’s embracing our history, but also pushing the city to new limits. It’s an average day in an extraordinary place.